Q How do I Preview Midi Songs?
Simply click on one of the names of the midi files to the right of this column. This will start playing the the song so that you can hear it and decide if you like it or not. The size of each Midi File is also listed to the right of the name example 32k is 32 Kilobytes. The smaller the size the faster it will load in your web page.
Q How to I use these on my Web Page?
Visit the Java Scripts secton of this CD-ROM and find a Java Script under the section Audio Effects that will allow you to add all sorts of different variations of sound to your Web Pages.
Q How do I Navigate thru different songs?
All the songs a categorized from A to Z so simply click on the letter on the menu bar to list all the midi songs that are located or start with that letter. So hopefully you can find the song you want with ease!